The new reliable way to scan vehicle panels for damage within seconds. Up to 1500 vehicles can be scanned in one day. The AI vehicle body scanners have been engineered to provide unparalleled precision when capturing damage such as dents or scratches on scanned vehicles.
With the self-learning capabilities and high learning efficiency it becomes more accurate and efficient over time. AI intelligent algorithm comparison. Identification and presentation of multiple chassis defects. Replacement of manual labor work. Avoidance of manual misjudgment.
With strategic partners throughout Europe and the US we continue to develop with our manufacturing partner, New Tech Automotive Technology
New, bespoke product development is par for the course and SNG are continually work closely with some of the largest names
None of which would be possible if we did not secure and plan our future with the strongest supply chain partners available today
Our manufacturing partner has inhouse, the full-stack technology – from mechanical engineering to AI defect recognition to API delivery.
Scan N Go create and deliver the User experience, bespoke according to industry, application and our clients specific market needs